Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We used a number of different technologies during the research and planning, evaluation and construction stages of 'The Simple Truth.' Without the use of media technologies it would have been impossible to our final product well as the ancillary tasks. We used different technologies and software at every stage of making out product. As we decided to shoot our new film idea in Dogme style, schedule’s and props list were no longer necessary as everything was more or less natural and improvised so we did not use Celtx. We also used a feature on our mobile phones called BlackBerry Messenger to get in touch with our cast and make sure they came prepared to shoot. Each person in our group has a Twitter account and so we used them in the planning stage to make our plans known.

In terms of research, web 2.0 was essential for us. We visited websites such as IMDB, to look at conventions of similar genre films as well as looking for any further ideas. YouTube channel Future Shorts enabled us to learn more about short films and provided us with a background knowledge to producing our own film.

In post-production we used editing software such as iMovie and FinalCutPro to edit our footage together, as well as LiveType for our titles. We went against one of the Dogme rules and decided to create music and use it in our film. We did this using GarageBand. We used Indesign to create the layout of our poster as well as colors and taglines. We also used Photoshop to edit the image we used for the poster and adjust in within the final product. We used PowerPoint to create our Evaluation which includes our poster, magazine article, stills from the film and some of the film’s footage and music.

This is a snapshot of our film being edited on iMovie:

This is a snapshot of our music being created on Garageband:

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