Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Our first scheduled shoot began with the filming of the interior jeweller's scene and the morning scene. These two scenes were filmed successfully, however, it was then that we encountered some problems. First of all, the actress we had hired cancelled last minute resulting in myself having to play the role of Daphne. This then proved to be difficult as I did not look old enough to play the role. It also meant that the other actors we'd have to use for the rest of the cast would be teenagers and would look too young. The short film would then look unrealistic.

We took the decision, as a group, to change our entire story and genre of film. We decided on a simple narrative with about five main points to it. We decided to film in the Dogme style involving multiple cameras and improvised dialogue. We called this film 'The Simple Truth.'

'The Simple Truth' is about a girl's day at college. It begins with her admitting she has cheated on her boyfriend, she then finds out her boyfriend has done the same thing. They then fight, she decides to follow up her relationship with the older boy with whom she cheated but gets rejected. This is a simple narrative which is easy to follow and is true to teenagers lives. We wanted to represent teenagers in a realistic way and did this by setting it at a real college with real students and using the dialogue we use in our everyday lives. Most adults believe that teenagers talk about relationships, sex and their social lives and this is what we represent in 'The Simple Truth.'

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