Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Filming of 'The Simple Truth'

Since we decided to film in the avant-garde style of Dogme, this meant that we had to adjust to using multiple cameras. This took a while for us to get the hang of and we ended up filming four times, improving each time and learning and developing new techniques. To film we used two Canon EOS 550D cameras plus an extra Sony PD-170 sound camera, allowing us to record sound seperately. This proved to be very convenient as the Canon cameras picked up a lot of background noise such as traffic and wind.

During filming, our cast used improvised dialogue, though there were specific phrases they had to include in order for the message of the film to come across to the audience. Apart from that the actors were told to speak normally about an eventful weekend and this is why the film is realistic to teenagers lives.

We told our cast to wear what they would normally wear to college as one of the Dogme rules includes having no unnatural props and/or costumes.

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