Monday, November 15, 2010

More Pre-Production Work.

I have taken on the role of producer and next week we will hopefully start filming. Our last stages at the moment are auditioning our actors and finalising our locations. To find out actors for our production, we advertised on PCR which is an organisation actors join to find work. We got numerous responses from actresses wanting to play the parts of 'Daphne' and 'Naomi.' The reason we decided to employ actors who are older is because our story calls for people in their twenties and thirties and we felt it would benefit out final production if we used people older than ourselves.

We have written out our full script and have lists of things such as props and shooting schedule's.

This is our production schedule for 'The Price of Beauty.'

(Click to enlarge.)

This is a summary of our scheduled scenes:

(Click to enlarge.)

This is our shooting schedule:

(Click to enlarge.)

Here is a snapshot of part of our script:

(Click to enlarge.)

Most of our pre-production was done on Celtx. We have also drawn up shot lists and storyboards to help the filming of 'The Price of Beauty' go more smoothly.

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