Sunday, May 8, 2011

Creative Decisions for filming the Classroom Scene

After February, we came across a problem in our film whilst in the editing suite. In order to sort it out, a creative decision had to be made. The whole film had been shot with me as the main character having red hair. During a break in February I had to dye my hair back to brown. This caused a problem as we had to re film the classroom scene as some of the shots didn't work. If we had re filmed in a normal way, I would have had red hair throughout the whole film and then brown hair in the classroom scene. As a group, we had to come up with a decision and we had a few options:
- One was to film the door of the classroom and just hear voices, this could have been interesting but would not have fit in with the style of our film.
- The camera would be positioned as Nini's point of view so the audience would see the action in the classroom but would not see Nini, therefore avoiding the problem of her hair. Nini would be standing next to the camera and speaking so it seems like the camera are her eyes.
- Our final option was to film a girl with red hair over the shoulder and have Nini's voice next to the camera to record.

We chose to go with the second option and it actually turned out well and was an interesting effect on the film as it was a whole scene filmed from someone's point of view.

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