Sunday, October 17, 2010


After looking through our first screen list and discussing it more, we decided that we need to split the work between the three of us. I am working with Claudia Humphreys and Kate Shurgaia.

We have decided to adapt a short story by Katherine Mansfield called 'A Cup of Tea.' We have decided to do this in a modern, 21st century style. If this story had to be described in a single sentence I would say that it is about a woman dealing with her own insecurities. There are three main characters in it, a husband and wife called Philip and Rosemary Fell, and a poor woman called Miss Smith. Rosemary discovers Miss Smith, takes a strong liking to her and takes her home. When her husband returns, he is "bowled over" by this girls beauty. When he informs his wife of this, her insecurities come out and she decides to dismiss Miss Smith. Rosemary didn't think that she would have any competition from this girl as she was of a lower class.

The work we need to begin with is figuring out the costumes, casting and locations of filming. We also need to do a breakdown of the story by using the book.

I am figuring out the locations for where we are going to film and looking at the casting; for example finding pictures of actors who are similar to what we want to portray our characters as.

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