Sunday, May 8, 2011

'The Simple Truth' Extras

'The Simple Truth' Evaluation

The Final Film - 'The Simple Truth'

'The Simple Truth' Cast

The Protagonist - Nini Hadjipateras

The Boyfriend - Ryan Howard

The Best Friend - Kate Shurgaia

The Other Girl - Claudia Humphreys

The Older Guy - Woody Holding

Final Draft of our Magazine Article

Because we changed the colour scheme in our poster, we also had to change it for our magazine article. Therefore, we changed the article from this:

To this:

The Fourth and Final Version of our Poster

Above is the poster we designed for our film. We took the idea of the teenagers standing in front of something plain from 'Adulthood.' The poster shows a clear gap between the 'happy couple' and the rejected girl and symbolises how the main character went from having it all to having nothing. The space between the characters in the poster and their body language summarizes the film’s narrative. We chose to have the word 'Truth' in a bold red to make it stand out. As the film develops, the audience begin to understand why the word stands out on the poster as the protagonist soon learns the truth of what she's caused for herself.

When we first came up with the design of our poster, the word 'Simple' was in a baby pink and 'Truth' was in a baby blue. We originally chose this colour scheme as it represents both sexes in our film as well as relates to our genre of a teen drama. As a group we made the creative decision to change to a black and red colour scheme which is harsher and bolder. We felt that the baby blue and pink contrasted too much with the poster's narrative.

Third Draft of our Poster

As we had to re shoot, we had to take a new photograph for the film as the clothes we were wearing were different. Instead of having the characters pose against a red brick wall, we had them pose in front of a green hedge as it created synergy with our film as we broke one of the Dogme rules and used a green filter in certain parts of our film. We, as a group, decided to change the colour of the font for the actors names and the quote to black to make it stand out more. Another decision we made was to have the photograph cover the whole of the poster and put the font in front of it. We felt that this created a stronger image and conveyed the narrative better as the space between the characters was more obvious.